
Storytime: The Parables of Jesus

August 12 - September 2, 2012

Jesus did much of his teaching through stories… Parables.

Join us as we search through a selection of those parables from the books of Matthew & Luke

Storytime Overview |


Aug 5, 2012

Simply a time to refresh and recharge — So you don’t BURNOUT

Burnout Overview |


All In

July 8 - 28, 2012

Jesus lived an ALL IN life…He put it ALL on the line. And when it came down to it, He gave it ALL so you can have it ALL. So why do so many live unsatisfying, half-hearted lives? Where is the satisfaction, the joy, the fulfillment in that? In this series we will examine what Jesus called the most important commandment in all of Scripture and answer the question, “What happens when a group of people puts it all on the line and goes ALL IN?”

All In Overview |


In Dependence

July 1, 2012

Every 4th of July we celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Independence Day is a huge celebration of national pride and of an historic event that shapes how we live even 236 years later. National independence is synonymous with the United States, and personal independence has become an American ideal. But is this ideal the real deal? Did God create us to live as independent operators or rugged individualists? To answer this question we open Psalm 62 to see what King David has to say about living In Dependence.

In Dependence Overview |


May 20th to June 24th, 2012

Nehemiah had a dream…a dream to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. In the process of building, he taught an entire nation how to build another dream…the dream of living life to the fullest and being all God created and called them to be. His lessons are as applicable today as they were then. We will unpack them, study them, and learn to apply them as we follow Nehemiah and build the dreams God planted in each of us.

NEHEMIAH Overview |

According to Jim

April 15th to May 13th, 2012

The book of James was written by the person who might have known Jesus best – his half brother, James. James focuses his writing less on the explanation of Jesus’ message and more on living as followers of Christ. His practical instructions for living has withstood the scrutiny of generations and remains as valid and timely today as the day he penned them. Find out what James says to you in this teaching series, “According to Jim”.

According to Jim Overview |


March 25th to April 8th, 2012

Everyone has dirt in their life. I do and you do. But what do we do when the dirt is more than skin-deep? When it cannot be washed off with soap and water? What do you do about that deep down, inner dirt? The dirt that hurts? That is the focus of this 3 week teaching series from the life of Jesus. We will discover what it means to be dirty, how to use your dirt for good, and how to live clean in a very dirty world. No clean people allowed! Come as you are – dirt and all!

GOT DIRT? Overview |

3M’s – three sticky subjects

February 5th to March 18th, 2012

Life is full of sticky situations…those scenarios that leave us confused and conflicted about what to do. We don’t know how to respond to these sticky situations because we are filled with conflicting emotions and information. Where do we go to get unstuck? The Bible gives clear direction for most sticky situations. It is the “user’s guide” for our lives, given to us by God. It can help you unstick the conflict and make sound decisions.

3M’s Overview |

the rest of GOD

January 8th to January 29th, 2012

When God created the heavens and the earth He did it in six days then, the Bible says, he rested. Six days of work and a day of rest. This was the first Sabbath. The fourth commandment instructs God’s followers to keep the Sabbath tradition. But most Christians today do not honor God’s commandment to rest. Because of this we are a people living hectic, anxious, stressed out lives. We have become infatuated with busy-ness, but we do not value rest.

the rest of GOD Overview |


January 1st, 2012

It’s a new year and it seems like every business out there is advertising some kind of product or service to help people achieve their new year resolutions. A common phrase is “new year, new you.” But most have discovered becoming a new you is not as easy as turning the page on the calendar. Most have made many new year resolutions only to discover the resolve fades quickly and the new wears off. Fortunately, the Bible has something to say about the idea of ‘new’ and even of becoming a ‘new you’.

NEW! Overview |

The Gift

Christmas Eve Service, December 24th, 2011

It seems like every couple of years there is one particular item that becomes “the gift”. Red Ryder BB guns, Cabbage Patch dolls, Tickle Me Elmos…you never know what it will be, but you know that when it happens it is nearly impossible to get your hands on “the gift.” Fortunately this is not true of the ultimate “the gift” which has been around for thousands of years, is not a fad or trend, and has never gone out of style. Jesus is “the gift” God gave to mankind. In Him we find a King like none before or since, the High Priest we need to represent us to God and God to us, and the Savior who paid the penalty for our sins so we can exist eternally in community with God. That is what Christmas is all about. It’s what Christmas has always been about. Not presents, but His presence because Jesus is “The Gift”.

The Gift Overview |

3 Gifts

December 4th, 2011

The first Christmas gifts ever given were delivered to baby Jesus thousands of years ago. Wise men came from the east, bringing with them three gifts of great value – gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They presented their gifts and faded anonymously from the pages of Scripture. But the gifts are their story, their legacy. These gifts were not only valuable to Jesus and his family at that time, but they bring great value to those who are willing to do a little digging, a little research to discover there is more to these 3 gifts than meets the eye.

3 Gifts Overview |

thx :)

November 27th, 2011

Every November, Americans set aside one day to express gratitude and thankfulness. History tells us our Thanksgiving Day tradition began with native Americans and the Pilgrims who were thankful for God’s provision in the new world. But what does God have to say about thankfulness? Is it a once-a-year deal or should thanks be given more often? How should thanks be given? Who and what should we be thankful for? And who do we thank?

thx :) Overview |

Seven Churches

October 16th to November 20th, 2011

Elevation Church is opening the book of Revelation in this series about the messages Jesus sent to seven ancient churches. His words were pointed, specific, and in some cases chilling as he addresssed the Christians in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.

Seven Churches Overview |

Living on Target

September 18th to October 9th, 2011

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the church at Philippi speaks of joy 16 times in 4 chapters. That might not seem unusual or out of place until you realize Paul wrote this letter while imprisoned in Rome with the possibility of being sentenced to death for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Living on Target Overview |


September 11th, 2011

We will remember 9/11, 2001, honor those who lost their lives, and discover what God has to say about where we are now. This will be a challenging and revealing time in the Word.

Forgiving Overview |


September 4th, 2011

What it means to have Vision, Integrity and Purpose.

V.I.P. Overview |

Little Bitty

June 12th to August 28th, 2011

Twelve weeks exploring the lesser-known people of Scripture, to see the how the Lord does amazing work through the little bitty!

Little Bitty Overview |

Go Pro

May 1st to May 29th, 2011

Don’t miss this 5 week series!

Go Pro Overview |

Buying Selling Giving in God’s Economy

April 10th to April 24th, 2011

Don’t miss this 3 week series, leading up to Easter Sunday!

Buying Giving Selling Overview | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3


March 13th to April 3rd, 2011

Join us for this 4 week series investigating the life of Jonah. We will go chapter by chapter, verse-by-verse through this power-packed book of the Bible and discover that there is more to this big fish story than meets the eye!

Jonah Overview | Jonah Chapter 1 | Jonah Chapter 2 | Jonah Chapter 3 | Jonah Chapter 4