More than 400 years before the birth of Jesus there lived a man who, though not well known today, performed a miracle of leadership wrapped up in a simple construction project. His name was Nehemiah and an entire book of the Old Testament is dedicated to his story. His miracle? He had a dream…a dream to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. What’s so miraculous about that? In the process he taught an entire nation how to build the dream…the dream of living life to the fullest and being all God created and called them to be. His lessons are as applicable today as they were then. We will unpack them, study them, and learn to apply them as we follow Nehemiah and build the dreams God planted in each of us.

Listen to Week 1 - Download MP3 (right-click and Save)
There is a deliberate 1 minute silence at 25 minutes 55 seconds.

Listen to Week 2 - Download MP3 (right-click and Save)

Listen to Week 3 - Download MP3 (right-click and Save)

Listen to Week 4 - Download MP3 (right-click and Save)

Listen to Week 5 - Download MP3 (right-click and Save)

Listen to Week 6 - Download MP3 (right-click and Save)