
Supernatural beginning October 14:

There is more to your world than what you see. Our eyes are made for the natural world, but there is another world we rarely glimpse. It is the SuperNatural.

In the SuperNatural world a war is raging right now…and you are involved. The Bible tells us, “We are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world…” (Ephesians 6:12, NLT). Come discover the hidden secrets of the SuperNatural as we seek truth about spiritual warfare, angels, demons, the devil, and the Holy Spirit. After all, if you are in the fight shouldn’t you be armed?

Listen to Supernatural Week 1- Download MP3 (right-click and Save)

Listen to Supernatural Week 2- Download MP3 (right-click and Save)

Listen to Supernatural Week 3- Download MP3 (right-click and Save)