The Gift

It seems like every couple of years there is one particular item that becomes “the gift”. Red Ryder BB guns, Cabbage Patch dolls, Tickle Me Elmos…you never know what it will be, but you know that when it happens it is nearly impossible to get your hands on “the gift.” Fortunately this is not true of the ultimate “the gift” which has been around for thousands of years, is not a fad or trend, and has never gone out of style. Jesus is “the gift” God gave to mankind. In Him we find a King like none before or since, the High Priest we need to represent us to God and God to us, and the Savior who paid the penalty for our sins so we can exist eternally in community with God. That is what Christmas is all about. It’s what Christmas has always been about. Not presents, but His presence because Jesus is “The Gift”.

Elevation Church celebrates our first Christmas together with a special worship gathering at 5:00 Saturday December 24th, Christmas Eve!